Loving Hashem with all Our Might.

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    • Partners in Prayer 11 months ago

      And you shall love Hashem… וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶךָ, with all your might.  (Devarim, 6:5)

      Rashi defines it as Middos, with every middah we have, we should use to love Hashem. 

      Dovid Hamelech asked for Hashem to reveal to him his Middah of Malchus so he can overcome his enemies.  We therefore need to see our Middos so we can love Him with all of our middos.  

      Loving Hashem in this way, with our Middos can be used to lift up our heads above our enemies, when we are using our Middos to serve Hashem with love as we are directed to. 

      The concept of Dovid Hamelech asking to see His Middah of Malchus to unify all of Klal Yisrael, and reveal Hashem’s Unity as the way to overcome the enemies is based on a class taught by Harav Simcha L Weinberg, n’’y 12.13.23

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