Dealing with enemies

Topic Details and Replies

    • Partners in Prayer 11 months ago

      Laasok B’Divrei Torah

      Dovid Hamelech teaches us that the way we can lift up our heads above our enemies is through treating every part of our Avodah, from the smallest act to the largest with Kavod.  Iyov teaches that the way we do so is by using the Torah we learn.  Using it is an act of Kavod. If we have real Kavod for what we are doing, we will develop a real sense of Malchus.  Having authentic Malchus will allow us to lift our heads even when there is  pressure placed on us to do what others want, and threats to cut us off. 

      We can use this Bracha to ask Hashem to empower us to use our gifts, our strengths, our  Torah we learn practically as an act of Kavod to Hashem and ourselves and restore our sense of Malchus, as Shira to Hashem, and lift our heads above our enemies during times of intense tension.

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