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The siddur is the most powerful relationship tool we have:
It organizes all of our personal experiences and insights, and directs us to draw on them to grow as a person and to enhance our relationship with The Infinite Creator.
But it doesn’t always feel that way.
When we’re saying the words by rote, thinking about the world around us instead of focusing inward and upward, we lose out on the powerful effects of this incredible tool.
The truth: There are as many faces of prayer as there are faces of human beings.
Each one of us has unique experiences and insights that we can use in our relationship with The Infinite Creator.

Rabbi Chaim Goldberger
Rabbi Chaim Goldberger, a disciple of Harav Yaakov Weinberg, zt”l, and, yibadel l’chaim, Harav Yochanan Zweig, shlita, has spent over twenty years in the rabbinate, serving congregations in Lowell, MA, and Minneapolis, MN. An original thinker and trusted consultant, Rabbi Goldberger has been quietly teaching and living the principles of bitachon for over thirty years.
An original thinker and trusted consultant, Rabbi Goldberger has been quietly teaching and living the principles of bitachon for over thirty years.
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All of these life experiences can change the very nature of prayer from a formal action into something more subtle and powerful: prayer as a constantly growing entity, something that impacts me–and can impact others as well.