Through the Cracks

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    • intomeaning 10 months ago

      בשעה שיצאו ישראל בגלות נפרש מסך גדול ומחיצה רעה ביניהם ובין אביהם שבשמים וזהו שכתוב: כי אם עונתיכם היו מבדילים בינכם לבין אלהיכם וחטאותיכם הסתירו פנים מכם משמוע [ישעיה נט, ב] , ונתפרש המעשה ביד ירמיה הנביא: סכותה בענן לך [מעבור תפלה] [איכה ג, מד] .ומפני רחמי ה’ ברוך הוא שהוא מרחם את ישראל, נתגבר אור הקדושה ובקע את המחיצה הזאת בקיות רבות, ונמצאו הבקיעות האלה כמו חלונות, כמו חרכים פתוחים במחיצה הזאת.  אבל הפתח הגדול שהיה פתוח בראשונה לא היה פתוח אחרי כן. והנה על אלה הבקיעות נאמר משגיח מן החלנות מציץ מן החרכים [שיר השירים ב, ט]. בהיות המלך העליון חפץ בגאלת ישראל אז נאמר: דודי שלך ידו מו החר [שם ה, ד]-כי פתח לא נפתח עד היום ההוא, רק דרך החורים הוא שולח את ידו

      “At the time when Israel went into exile, a great barrier and a terrible partition was raised, separating them from their Father in Heaven. This is as is written, ‘For your sins separated between you and your Lord (Yeshayahu 59:2)’. The prophet Yirmeyahu explained this event as follows, ‘You have enveloped yourself in a cloud [that prevents (your) prayer from passing (through)]’ (Eichah 3:44).

      Due to Hashem’s mercy on Israel, the spiritual light of holiness prevailed and breached this partition in many places. These breaches are like windows, like open cracks in this partition. However the large opening that was originally there was not reopened afterward. Regarding these breaches it states, ‘looking through the windows, peering through the cracks’ (Shir Hashirim 2:9). Since the Supernal King desires the redemption of Yisrael, it therefore states, ‘My beloved sent his hand forth through the crack’ (ibid. 5:4), for it had not been opened until that day; only through the cracks does He send His hand forth.”

      Ramchal Ma’amar Hageulah


      I learned from HaRav Simcha Weinberg n’y about the position a Kohen’s hands must be during the birkat kohanim (priestly blessing). I learned that the right hand is positioned slightly elevated over the left so as to (in my understanding) create a “crack” through which the shechina can peer (מציץ מן החרכים). Perhaps the function of the kohanim is to maintain the relationship God established with His Nation even in a time of exile. I have in mind, while reciting the birkat kohanim in the morning (and during duchening) that Hashem’s presence, His “Hand”, should continue to peer through the cracks in my life and the life of all of klal yisroel. In addition, I pray that the cracks break open wide so that poteach et yadecha umasbia l’chol chai ratzon (You [He] open[s] Your [His] “Hand” and satisfy[ies] every living being with [the] ratzon (will) to return to You [Him][1][2])

      [1] I learned from HaRav Simcha Weinberg that the term ratzon (will) is connected to the blessing for teshuva (to return to God) in the Amidah (silent prayer) where we recite harotze bitshuva “Who has a Will for [us] to return [to Him]”

      [2] HaRav Simcha Weinberg’s translation (in my understanding) of poteach et yadecha umasbia lechol chai ratzon

    • Partners in Prayer 10 months ago

      Amein.  What a beautiful insight and Kavana.  Ken Yehi Ratzon. Thank you

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