Ata Chonein L’Adam Daas: Mishloach Manos

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    • Partners in Prayer 10 months ago


      When we assign meaning to something, like giving mishloach manot to someone we are not getting along with well, we can turn the negativity we feel around with the very intent behind why we are giving them mishloach manot.
      Meaning, the giving doesn’t have to be the first step in healing the relationship. The intent set out from the start with the decision to give to them and the reason we want to give and repair will already start the healing within us.
      This applies to anything we are choosing to do that we otherwise initially didnt want to do.
      We have turned it around by how we frame it.
      That seems like Daat because we stand back and choose. We gain knowledge on a new level by choosing with intent.
      Moshe Rabeinu was given everything except being able to enter Eretz Yisrael.
      Still there was ViEtchanan, there was Chen.
      In the Bracha Chonen Daat in Shemonei Esre we see how deeply connected Chen and Daat are.
      This is modelling for us how to see the Chen when we are feeling that things are not going out way or are feeling negative.
      It’s our limited Daat that is getting in our way.
      Assigning purposeful intent to our decisions opens the Daat, raises us up, and grants us greater access to Chen.

      Back to Mishloach Manot, where the Mitzvah is to repair struggling relationships, we apply this with our intent opening up more Daat for us and allowing us to access Ad Dilo Yeda,
      Even if the other is still operating in a way that is hard for us, we have switched how we relate to them and the relationship Ad Dilo Yeda, meaning, without our previouse ‘knowing’ of them, and into a higher state of knowing them. Step after step we can climb until we do not have a need to ascribe our opinions to the them that we know.
      Apply this anywhere and everywhere!

      (Shared by anonymous)

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