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  • Raizel Devorah Masail 2 years ago

    I hope it’s ok to widen the conversation to include also the attack in Beer Sheva, Chadera, Gush Etzion, and Tell Aviv. What’s come to mind recently, sitting in Israel and seeing the repurcussions and responses unfold, is “Why do we tolerate this happening within our space?” With the spotlight always on Israel, politicians seem hesitant to do anything that would trigger a world reaction. It ends up being a game of “How much will we tolerate”. Upcoming to Pesach, with so much focus on our individual yetzer haras, it occurs to me that one can apply the concept of a maka from an individual’s yetzer haras to the nation as well.  In this time Man is focused on his struggle with internal darkness. We want to expand our internal light, refine out middot, perfect ourselves – yet this question of tolerance points out to me that there is an amount of darkness a person IS WILLING to tolerate within themselves. If they weren’t, they would jump up to Authentically do everything they could to kick out the enemy, the darkness. If Israel was not willing to tolerate terrorism it to would kick out the enemy. One thing I have learned from this is to ask myself:. What type of, and amount, of internal darkness have I been willing to tolerate this past year? In my davening, the first place I think of to focus on is the morning Bracha ‘Asher Natan Lasechvi Bina Lihavchin Bein Yom Vilayla’, between light and dark. There are many more places I can daven for this but the next place that speaks to me most at this moment is in Shemonei Esrei : Hashiva Shofteinu Kivarishona…. Davening for things to be restored to an original state where we are not as darkened and Hashem can rule over us as King with Tzedek and Mishpat. This is what I want for myself, and I can also apply it to recent events as what I want for Am Yisrael.

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