“Limitless Strength: Reflecting on Adon Olam in Service to Hashem”

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    • Michal 3 years ago

      “I am an eved of the Adon Olam, so there’s no limit to my capacity to work.”

      These words, spoken by a certain Rabbi in response to a student questioning his ability to handle an enormous amount of work in service to Hashem, left a profound impression on me. The Rabbi’s immediate response wasn’t just an explanation—it was a declaration of his identity, a reminder of the infinite strength that comes from being in service to the Master of the Universe.

      This idea is beautifully connected to the morning tefillah of Adon Olam. In this prayer, we proclaim Hashem’s sovereignty and eternal presence:

      • “Adon Olam asher malach, b’terem kol yetzir nivra”
        (Master of the Universe Who reigned before any creature was created.)
      • “V’hu echad v’ein sheni, l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah”
        (He is One, and there is no second to compare or associate with Him.)

      When we reflect on the meaning of these words, we recognize that Hashem’s dominion extends not only over the world but also over our own lives. As His servants, we draw from His infinite strength. Our potential is no longer confined to human limits; it is tied to the limitless power of The Creator.

      The Rabbi’s words challenge us to bring this awareness into our daily lives, especially during tefillah. When we say Adon Olam, we are not merely reciting ancient words—we are reaffirming our role as Hashem’s servants and tapping into the boundless capacity that comes with it.

      The next time you say Adon Olam, pause for a moment. Reflect on what it means to serve the Master of the Universe. Let it remind you that whatever challenges or tasks lie ahead, your strength is not limited by your own abilities. It is bolstered by the infinite strength of Hashem, empowering you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

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